Sport horses to benefit from NZTR’s support of TiES

Equestrian Sports New Zealand and New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing’s updated Memorandum of Understanding will give further support to thoroughbreds in their second careers as sport horses during the 2024-25 season. 

The partnership will also continue its work bridging the gap between the racing and equestrian communities. 

NZTR will continue their support of the Thoroughbreds in Equestrian Sports (TiES) series with prize money totalling $76,000, sourced from the 1% levy on prizemoney fund. 

The TiES series was established in 2014 to showcase the versatility of thoroughbreds and increase their uptake into equestrian sports. Thoroughbreds gain points in eligible classes across the season. The disciplines included in the series are eventing, dressage/para-dressage, show jumping, show hunter, and endurance and competitive trail riding (CTR). 

In addition, NZTR will support the horse ambulance to be present for internationally ranked cross-country events and at the 2025 Horse of the Year show. 

Image courtesy of Julia Murch

Planning is underway for clinics dedicated to thoroughbreds and their riders. The 1% fund will subsidise these clinics to make them affordable for participants in the North and South Islands. The clinics are likely to be held in April/May of next year. 

Equestrian Sports New Zealand Chief Executive Julian Bowden said there was never a better time to own a thoroughbred sport horse. 

“Thoroughbreds are essential across all our disciplines, from grassroots to our High-Performance team,” he said.  “All of the equestrian whanau know just how great these horses are as natural allrounders.” 

“The TiES series recognises the pathway between racehorses and sport horses, and we’re excited for the future.” 

New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing Head of Welfare and Sustainability Justine Sclater said she is looking forward to further enhancing the opportunities for thoroughbreds in their second careers. 

“We are delighted to continue to provide thoroughbreds opportunities in the equestrian arena,” Sclater said. “It is vital to show the versatility of the breed as they transition into their second careers and live a purposeful life outside of racing.”   

“We are looking forward to continuing our work with Equestrian Sports New Zealand as we develop the support around the successful TiES series and other initiatives that will incentivise thoroughbred ownership in the sport horse community and improve their welfare.” 


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